Multiple Object Tracking

������������ One current project is investigating how attention is distributed when tracking multiple moving target objects among distractor objects.

Contextual Cueing

������������ This project is investigating the effects of previous experience on visual search.

Feria, C. S. (2013). Speed has an effect on multiple-object tracking independently of the number of close encounters between targets and distractors. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 75, 53-67.� Download

Feria, C. S. (2012). The effects of distractors in multiple object tracking are modulated by the similarity of distractor and target features. Perception, 41, 287-304. Download

Lim, J. J., & Feria, C. (2012). Visual search on a mobile device while walking. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI �12). Download

Feria, C. S. (2010). Attentional prioritizations based on spatial probabilities can be maintained on multiple moving objects. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 72, 926-938. Download

Feria, C. S. (2008). The distribution of attention within objects in multiple-object scenes: Prioritization by spatial probabilities and a center bias. Perception & Psychophysics, 70, 1185-1196. Download




Costedoat, G., Kaur, I., Yang, N., Avenick, D., & Feria, C. (2014, May).� Effects of luminance contrast and number of targets on multiple object tracking.� Poster presented at the California Cognitive Science Conference, Berkeley, CA.

Avenick, D., Yang, N., Costedoat, G., Chao, A., Raad, A., Shaw, J., Tomko, L., & Feria, C. (2014, May).� Inhibition of distractors during multiple object tracking is modulated by target-distractor proximity. Poster presented at the California Cognitive Science Conference, Berkeley, CA.

Raad, A., Costedoat, G., Simpson, M., Sollitt, T., & Feria, C. (2013, May). The relationship between the ability to track multiple moving objects and automobile accident risk. Poster presented at the California Cognitive Science Conference, Berkeley, CA.

Sollitt, T., & Feria, C. (2013, April). Age differences in multiple object tracking and driving ability. Poster presented at the Spartan Psychological Association Research Conference, San Jose, CA.

Loh, S. L., Gutierrez, J., Tram, T., Smith, C., McReynolds, A.-M., Gunawan, V. & Feria, C. (2012, April). Binding of distractor object features in multiple object tracking. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Sollitt, T., Marin, A., Kulstad-Thomas, K., McReynolds, A.-M., Simpson, M., Tram, T., Loh, S. L., & Feria, C. (2012, April). Category learning during visual search: Implicit or explicit? Poster presented at the California Cognitive Science Conference, Berkeley, CA.


For a full list of Dr. Feria�s research publications, please see her curriculum vitae



Principal Investigator:

������������ Dr. Cary Feria

������������ Associate Professor of Psychology

������������ Dudley Moorhead Hall Room 312

������������ (408) 924-5620

������������ [email protected]


Graduate Researchers

Masters program in Research and Experimental Psychology:

David Avenick

Masters program in Human Factors and Ergonomics:

Anne-Marie McReynolds

Anthony Raad

Justin Shaw 


Undergraduate Researchers:

Gregory Costedoat

Inderpal Kaur

Nichole Yang

I (Dr. Feria) am currently seeking Master�s students to work in the Vision Laboratory.� If you are interested in becoming a student in the Master of Arts program in Research and Experimental Psychology at SJSU and working on perception research, please contact me.� You can contact me at [email protected] or (408) 924-5620


Interested current SJSU students in the psychology and human factors programs are encouraged to contact me as well.

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Last Modified: Feb 22, 2023